Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

Morning Messages from September 30th to October 4th  

Monday, September 30th, 2019


Dear Students:

      There are ONLY so many seconds in each minute. There are ONLY so many minutes in each hour, and ONLY so few hours in each day that we are in school together.

     We must be conscious each second, to use each second of every minute of every hour, for our purposes of being together, that is: to engage in the learning of ourselves and the overall learning of everyone in our class.

     So, we must NOT waste time, precious time, for in each second, each minute, each hour, we can experience "The joy of learning!"


           Mr. Stathis


Tuesday, October 1st, 2019


Dear Students:

      We have a lot to do! We have a lot to learn today! Learning new things, isn't that fantastic?! Learning what 'excellent' is in so many important skills that are your repsonsibility to know, is what today and every day in School is all about.

     To reach excellence, I have to keep tight discipline, so everyone can concentrate, to then live-up to the very high goals you have for yourself, that your parents have for you, that I have for you.

     We know, as you must know too, that your "job" is learning and striving for greatness!


           Mr. Stathis


Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019


Dear Students:

      Think about, right now, for a few moments, what you have learned anew this year, so far. [Pause]

     Ask yourself, now, for a few moments, if you really feel a difference in your maturity and how much you VALUE being here in Classroom 16. [Pause]

     Think about the stories we've read. [Pause]

     Think about the Math you've learned. [Pause] Think about the History we've explored. [Pause] Think about the Science we've examined. [Pause]

     Think about all that, then get ready for more!


           Mr. Stathis


Thursday, October 3rd, 2019


Dear Students:

      What's so special about Classroom 16?

     You are here! That's the answer!

     When you are here, you learn a lot! That's the answer! When you miss a day, you miss a lot!

     We do a lot of special learning activities. You are held to high expectations of excellence. You are challenged to be excellent and to strive for excellence in all your learning.

     You are expected here to show maturity, because when everyone is focused on learning and showing maturity, we can have so many more opportunities for learning and becoming great!


           Mr. Stathis


Friday, October 4th, 2019


Dear Students:

      Wow! Such knowledge in abundance!

      Whoa! Such joy to be in school with determination to become great!

      Oh, ho! Wilingness to accept the discipline to advance self-control and the re-focus on attention, respect, listening and speaking good thoughts and expressing good feelings!

      Remember the mountain we are on TOGETHER.

      It is a good Mountain, a great place to be. Be worthy of being here!


           Mr. Stathis